Ouachita River School District – Success Story

2019 - 2020 The Ouachita River School district utilized ISEP funds to purchase a water bottle filling station.

2018 - 2019  The Ouachita River school district utilized ISEP funds to purchase two water bottle filling stations for the high school.  One was placed in the high school hallway and one was placed in the gymnasium.

The district wellness policy was updated to allow students to bring water bottles into classrooms in order to stay hydrated.  The water filling stations allowed for quicker filling of water bottles for both students and staff.  Many students did not chose to use the existing water fountains due to exposure to germs.

A pre-survey was conducted with students and staff regarding water consumption.  Many students and staff did not utilize the water fountains, especially during cold and flu season.  Many also stated that water bottles were difficult to refill at regular water fountains.

Post survey data revealed that the water filling stations alleviated the fear of germs at the fountains, and staff and students all reported drinking more water during the day.

image of Ouachita River mention in newspaper article