Valley View Jr. High School - Success Story

The Valley View Jr. High utilized ISEP funds to purchase a vision screening machine exclusively for the Jr. high.  Previously, nurses had to transport vision screening machines between other school buildings before being able to screen students.

Having the vision screening machine in the building has allowed the school to take exceptional care of the machine and ensure minimal wear and tear since it is not being moved between buildings.  It has also increased the number of screenings provided to students.  Approximately 745 Students have been screened two times over the school year.  In addition, 494 students had additional screenings due to a parent, teacher or faculty referral.  Fifty-one of those referrals were referred for further screening outside of the district.  Nurses are able to screen students on an as-need basis and this allows for the most effective, efficient care possible.

Teachers have also expressed a great deal of gratitude since less students are absent from their classes for extended periods of time in order to have a vision test completed.